Artifacts Synapses (2025)

1. Azure.Analytics.Synapse.Artifacts ...

  • Missing: Synapses | Show results with:Synapses

  • Explore all classes and interfaces of the Azure.Analytics.Synapse.Artifacts.Models namespace.

Azure.Analytics.Synapse.Artifacts ...

2. azure.synapse.artifacts.ArtifactsClient class - Microsoft Learn

  • Missing: Synapses | Show results with:Synapses

  • ArtifactsClient.

azure.synapse.artifacts.ArtifactsClient class - Microsoft Learn

3. azure-synapse-artifacts - PyPI

4. Artifact Blocker - Synapse Manual - Tucker-Davis Technologies

  • The Artifact Blocker gizmo zeros a signal relative to a trigger, blocking stimulus artifacts in recorded data associated with a triggered event. Timing logic ...

  • Synapse is TDT's main software for experiment design, data recording, and real-time closed-loop hardware control

Artifact Blocker - Synapse Manual - Tucker-Davis Technologies

5. Understanding Synapses: Past, Present, and Future - PMC

  • Missing: artifacts | Show results with:artifacts

  • Classical physiological work by Katz, Eccles, and others revealed the central importance of synapses in brain function, and characterized the mechanisms involved in synaptic transmission. Building on this work, major advances in the past two decades ...

Understanding Synapses: Past, Present, and Future - PMC

6. Azure.Analytics.Synapse.Artifacts 1.0.0-preview.20 - NuGet

  • The Azure Synapse Analytics development client library enables programmatically managing artifacts, offering methods to create, update, list, and delete ...

  • This is the Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics Artifacts client library

Azure.Analytics.Synapse.Artifacts 1.0.0-preview.20 - NuGet

7. Correction of z‐motion artefacts to allow population imaging of ...

  • We describe a method to correct z‐motion artefacts that is easy to implement and allows population imaging of synaptic activity while scanning a single plane in ...

  • Motion artefacts associated with motor behaviour are an inevitable problem of multiphoton imaging in awake behaving animals, particularly when imaging synapses. Correction of axial motion artefacts usually requires volumetric imaging resulting in ...

Correction of z‐motion artefacts to allow population imaging of ...

8. The molecular infrastructure of glutamatergic synapses in ... - eLife

  • Oct 7, 2024 · Demonstrating that the frequency of the post-synaptic density in prior work is likely an artifact and not a defining feature of glutamatergic ...

  • Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, public reviews, and a provisional response from the authors.

9. Correction of z-motion artefacts to allow population imaging ... - bioRxiv

  • Sep 12, 2019 · We describe a method that is easy to implement to correct z-motion artefacts that allows population imaging of synaptic activity while scanning ...

  • Functional imaging of head-fixed, awake, behaving mice using two-photon imaging of fluorescent activity reporters has become a powerful tool in the studying the function of the brain. Motion artefacts are an inevitable problem during such experiments and are routinely corrected for in x and y dimensions. However, axial (z) shifts of several microns can also occur, leading to intensity fluctuations in structures such as synapses that are small compared to the axial point-spread function of the microscope. Here we present a simple strategy to correct z-motion artefacts arising over the course of a time-series experiment in a single optical plane. Displacement in z was calculated using dye-filled blood vessels as an anatomical marker, providing high contrast images and accuracy to within ∼0.1 µm. The axial profiles of ROIs corresponding to synapses were described using a Moffat function and this “ROI-spread function” used to correct activity traces on an ROI-by-ROI basis. We demonstrate the accuracy and utility of the procedures in simulation experiments using fluorescent beads and then apply them to correcting measurements of synaptic activity in populations of vasoactive-intestinal peptide (VIP) interneurons expressing the synaptic reporter SyGCaMP6f. Correction of z-motion artefacts had a substantial impact on the apparent correlation between synaptic activity and running speed, demonstrating the importance of correcting for these artefacts for the interpretation of in vivo i...

Correction of z-motion artefacts to allow population imaging ... - bioRxiv

10. Differentiation and Characterization of Excitatory and Inhibitory Synapses ...

  • Feb 7, 2018 · Although synapses of cultured hippocampal neurons may have different characteristics compared with mature synapses ... artifacts. The platform we ...

  • As key functional units in neural circuits, different types of neuronal synapses play distinct roles in brain information processing, learning, and memory. Synaptic abnormalities are believed to underlie various neurological and psychiatric disorders. Here, by combining cryo-electron tomography and cryo-correlative light and electron microscopy, we distinguished intact excitatory and inhibitory synapses of cultured hippocampal neurons, and visualized the in situ 3D organization of synaptic organelles and macromolecules in their native state. Quantitative analyses of >100 synaptic tomograms reveal that excitatory synapses contain a mesh-like postsynaptic density (PSD) with thickness ranging from 20 to 50 nm. In contrast, the PSD in inhibitory synapses assumes a thin sheet-like structure ∼12 nm from the postsynaptic membrane. On the presynaptic side, spherical synaptic vesicles (SVs) of 25–60 nm diameter and discus-shaped ellipsoidal SVs of various sizes coexist in both synaptic types, with more ellipsoidal ones in inhibitory synapses. High-resolution tomograms obtained using a Volta phase plate and electron filtering and counting reveal glutamate receptor-like and GABAA receptor-like structures that interact with putative scaffolding and adhesion molecules, reflecting details of receptor anchoring and PSD organization. These results provide an updated view of the ultrastructure of excitatory and inhibitory synapses, and demonstrate the potential of our approach to gain insight...

Differentiation and Characterization of Excitatory and Inhibitory Synapses ...
Artifacts Synapses (2025)


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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

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